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Kanjuro Shibata XXI. Sensei
Shibata XXI, Zeremonie 27.8.2003 PICT006
Kyudo Wien Gako Gakokyudojo Wienerberg Dojo japanisches Bogenschiessen

Shibata XX. Sendai

Gako-Kyūdōjō is practicing Kyūdō – the japanese way of the bow - in the style of Heki ryu Bishu Chikurin ha.




GAKO- mountain tiger Kyudo group


Informations about the Vienna Kyudo group GAKO Kyūdōjō in the tradition of and authorized by Kanjuro Shibata Sensei XX.

Gako-Kyūdōjō is organized as the “Austrian-Japanese association for culture and sports KAI”, which is member of ASKÖ (Working Group for Sports and Body Culture Austria)








“Busily running around in little circles, this is not kyudo. Come to a stop. Enter a big circle. Mushin, empty heart. This is kyudo. This is high quality practice. Trying to master hitting the target is the way of desire. Not helpful. That’s a road for people who want to defeat their perceived enemies."

WienerBerg Kyudojo

1100 Wien, Eibesbrunnergasse 13

Dies ist die Internetseite der von Kanjuro Shibata Sensei XX. autorisierten Kyudogruppe Gako-Kyūdōjō Wien. Gako-Kyūdōjō ist Mitglied des europäischen Dachverbandes OKO. Gako-Kyūdōjō ist vereinsrechtlich als „Japanisch-österreichischer Kultur- und Sportverein KAI“ (ZVR 339931159) organisiert und Mitglied des ASKÖ.

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